Outreach Events
March 08
Peer Advising
Help other architectural engineering undergraduates during registration periods.
Sign up for an hour (or more) and give advice on professors, courses, and ArE in general.
May 08
Bluebonnet Blitz
Saturday April 26th
Meet in the ECJ Parking Lot at 7:50am. We'll eat breakfast, pick up tools and materials
and then proceed to the worksite.
Lunch and snacks are also provided.
Social Events
We are getting together for dinner (somewhere
along Guadalupe) and then heading to the Union for some bowling.
This will probably be in the second week of
February. Final date will be posted as soon as it is set.
Dinner and Bowling Social
Fireside Dinner with Dr.
Klingner—March 28th @ 6:30
We are meeting at Dr.
Klingner’s home to eat dinner and “talk around the fireside.”
The date is scheduled for March 28 at 6:30 pm.
Map will be available closer to date.
April 08
Volleyball in the Park / Friday in the Park—April
18th @ 4:30pm
In Eastwoods Park aka Harris Park
Tubing Guadalupe River with AEI—May
Meet in the
ECJ parking lot at noon. We will carpool down to New Braunsfels.
Come to meetings for latest and most detailed info, or contact an PAE officer.
Other Events
Some other events might be Building an Alec
or E-Week.
More details to come as available.