Atila Novoselac, Ph.D.



Department of Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering

University of Texas at Austin

1 University Station C1752

Austin, TX 78712-1076


Office Phone: (512) 475-8175











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Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University, Architectural Engineering,  2005
M.S.,  University of Belgrade, Serbia, Mechanical Engineering,    2000
B.S.,   University of Belgrade, Serbia, Mechanical Engineering,   1994


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Research Interests:


Ventilation and indoor air quality

Modeling of built environment

Building energy analysis



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Courses: (Click on course name to get the syllabus for that class and on semester to go to the class web page)

ARE 346N:    Building Environmental Systems                                   F05,Sp07,Sp08,F08,Sp10,Sp19,F20

CE 397:         Energy Simulation in Building Design                          Sp06,Sp07,Sp09, F10,F11,F12,F13,F14,F15,F15F17,F18,F19

CE 397:         Modeling of Air and Pollutant Flows in Buildings         F06,F07,F08,F09,Sp11,Sp13,F16,F7,F19

ARE 389H:    HVAC Design                                                                 Sp08,Sp10,Sp11,Sp12,Sp13,Sp14,F14,F15

ARE F383:    Energy and Indoor Air Quality: Field Measurements   Su08,Sp12

ARE 102:       Introduction to Architectural Engineering                      F11,F12,F13,F14,F15,F16,F17,F8,F19

CE 397:         Building Energy Management Systems                       Sp14,Sp15,SP17,F18


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Graduate Students:


Ardeshir Moftakhari, PhD Student

Mengjia Tang, PhD Student

Sangeetha Kumar, PhD Student

Michael Wade, PhD Student






















Stephen Bourne, PhD Student

 Jordan Clark, PhD Student

 Marwa Zaatar, PhD Student*

 James Lo, PhD Student

 Donghyun Rim, PhD Student

Shichao Liu, PhD Student

Kristen Cetin, PhD Student

Brandon Boor, PhD Student*

Ji Hoon Yoon, PhD Student*

 Seok Youn Kang, Postdoctoral Researcher

 Eon Lee, MS Student  

 Aziz Hussaini, MS Student 

 Catherine Mukai, MS Student* 

 Kate Goldstein, MS Student 

 Bonggil Jeon, MS Student 

 Mariel Kerbacher, MS Student

 Cristian Wolleter, MS Student

 Hogan Winn, MS Student

 Gregory Arcangeli, MS Student

Loren Muirhead, MS Student

Hideyuki Amai, MS Student

Leigh Lesnick, MS Student* 

Michael Wade, MS Student* 



 *designate students co-advised with other faculty 


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Air Pollutant and Energy Flow Testing Facility

UTest House

Facade Thermal Lab


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Sponsored Projects:

   Project topic:                                                                                                              Sponsor:

CFD Resource Decision in Particle Transport Modeling

repot (PDF, word)


Inhalation Exposure to Pollutants in the Sleeping Microenvironment


Fluctuating Wind Pressure Boundary Conditions for Ventilation Modeling


Development of Internal Surface Convection Correlations for Energy and Load Calculation Methods 



Design Procedure for Stack Pressure Control in High Rise Residential Buildings

GS Construction Co.

Integration of Phase Change Materials in Building Structure and Furnishing

Various sponsors


Green Building, Sustainability, and Energy Efficiency in the UTest House* UT Faculty Innovation

Heat Transfer Modeling on Window Surfaces

ASHRAE Grant-in-aid

Airflow with Localized Air-Conditioning in Open Offices

ASHRAE Grant-in-aid

Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Airborne Pollutants: Effect of Source Characteristics



The Influence of Tile Floor Finish on Building Thermal Performance and Energy Consumption in Buildings



Transport and Fate of Ambient Ultrafine Particles in Buildings


Integration of Photovoltaic panels into High Rise Buildings

Samsung Construction  Co.

Modeling and Measuring Energy Consequence of Filtration in Residential and Light Commercial Buildings*



Solar Decathlon Project 2007*


Building Information Models as a Teaching Tool*

UT Faculty Innovation


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Recent Publications:

Papers in Refereed Journals


These papers are provided for educational purposes only.  They are typically copyright by the publication in which they appeared.  Contact the publication directly for permission to use.


Peeters, L., Beausoleil-Morrison, I, and Novoselac, A.(2011) Internal Convective Heat Transfer for Building Modeling:
       Critical Review and Discussion on Experimentally Derived Correlations. Energy and Buildings, 43 (7), 227-2239


Stephens, B., Siegel, J.A. , and Novoselac, A. (2011) Operational characteristics of residential and light-commercial air-

       conditioning systems in a hot and humid climate zone. Building and Environment, 46 (10), 1972-1983.

Rim, D. and Novoselac, A. (2010) Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Airborne Pollutants: Effects of Source

     Characteristics. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 7, 683-692.

Goldstein, K. and Novoselac, A. (2010) Convective Heat Transfer in Rooms With Ceiling Slot Diffusers (RP-1416)HVAC&R Research Journal, 16 (5), 629-655.

Stephens, B., Novoselac, A., and Siegel, J.A. (2010) The effects of filtration on pressure drop and energy consumption in residential HVAC systems (RP-1299). HVAC&R Research Journal, 16 (3), 273-294.

Lo, L.J. and Novoselac, A. (2010) Localized Air-conditioning with Occupancy Control in an Open Office. Energy and Buildings, 42 (7), 1120-1128.

Stephens, B., Siegel J.A., and Novoselac, A. (2010)  Energy Implications of Filters in Residential and Light-Commercial Buildings.  ASHRAE Transactions, 16 (1), 346-355.

Rim, D. and Novoselac, A. (2010) Ventilation Effectiveness as an Indicator of Occupant Exposure to Indoor Particles.  Building and Environment, 45 (5), 1214–1224. 

Kunkel, D.A., Gall, E.T., Siegel, J.A., Novoselac, A., Morrison, G.C., and Corsi, R.L. (2010) Passive Reduction of Human Exposure to Indoor Ozone, Building and Environment, 45 (2), 445-452.

Novoselac, A. and Siege, J. (2009) Impact of Placement of Portable Air Cleaning Devices in Multizone Residential Environments. Building and Environment, 44 (12), 2348-2356.

Rim, D. and Novoselac, A. (2009) Transport of Particulate and Gaseous Pollutants in the Vicinity of a Human Body. Building and Environment, 44 (9), 1840-1849.

Mukai, C., Siegel, J. and Novoselac, A. (2009) Effect of Airflow Characteristics and Surface Properties on Particle Resuspension. Aerosol Science and Technology, 43(10), 1022-1032.

Rim, D., Novoselac, A., and Morrison, G. (2009) The Influence of Chemical Interactions at the Human Surface on Breathing-zone Levels of Reactants and Products, Indoor Air, 19 (4), 324-334.

Rim, D. and Novoselac, A. (2008) Transport of Particle and Gaseous Pollutants around Human Body under Natural and Forced Convection. ASHRAE Transactions, 114, (2), 130-142.

Srebric, J., Yuan, J., and Novoselac, A. (2008). On-Site Experimental Validation of a Coupled Multi-zone and CFD model. ASHRAE Transaction,114 (1), 273-281.

Novoselac, A., Burley J. B., and Srebric J. (2006). New Convection Correlations for Cooled Ceiling Panels in Room with Mixed and Stratified Airflow. International Journal of HVAC&R Research, 12 (2), 281-294.

Novoselac, A., Burley J. B., and Srebric J. (2006). Development of New and Validation of Existing Convection Correlations for Rooms with Displacement Ventilation Systems. Energy and Buildings, 38 (3), 163-173.

Novoselac, A. and Srebric, J. (2003). Comparison of Air Exchange Efficiency and Contaminant Removal Effectiveness as IAQ Indices. ASHRAE Transactions, 109 (2), 339-349.

Novoselac, A. and Srebric, J. (2002). A Critical Review on the Performance and Design of Combined Cooled Ceiling and Displacement Ventilation Systems. Energy and Buildings, 34 (5), 497-509.


PhD Thesis

Coupled Airflow and Energy Simulation Program for Building Mechanical System Design, Architectural Engineering Department, the Pennsylvania State University.


Developed Building Energy and Air Flow (BEAF) Simulation Software.

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