Former Students

1. Lin, Min-Der, 1995, Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, Nonaqueous Phase Liquid contaminated Aquifer Remediation Using Nonlinear Programming and Genetic Algorithms to Optimize Surfactant Enhanced Pump-and-Treat Aquifer Remediation Systems (now Professor of Environmental Engineering, National Chung-Tai University, Taiwan)

2. Burgin, John F., 1995, Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, Automating the Allocation of Water in Texas Using an Expert System to Control the Interaction of a Geographic Information Systems and a Linear Programming Solution Algorithm

3. Ye, Zichuan, 1996, Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, Object Oriented Programming in Geographic Information Systems for Hydrologic Modeling, (with D.R. Maidment, now senior software developer ESRI, Redlands CA)

4. Whitley, G. Allen, 1997, Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, An Investigation of Pratitioning Tracers for Characterization of Nonaqueous Phase liquids in Vadose Zones, (with G.A. Pope, now senior manager, Dell Computer, Austin TX)

5. Watkins, David W. Jr., 1997, Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, Optimization Techniques for the Planning and Management of Robust Water Resources Systems (UCOWR Dissertation Award, now Associate Professor, Michigan Technological University, Houghton MI)

6. de Blanc, Phil, 1998, Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, Microbiological Modeling in a Three-dimensional Multiphase NAPL Simulator, (with G.E. Speitel Jr., now senior engineer, Groundwater Services, Houston TX)
7. Nicot, Jean Philippe, 1998, Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, Inverse Modeling of Subsurface Environmental Tracer Tests (with G. Pope, now research engineer, Bureau of Economic Geology, University of Texas at Austin, Austin TX)

8. Cai, Ximing, 1999, Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, A Modeling Framework for Sustainable Water Resources Management (now Associate Professor, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
9. Deeds, Neil, 1999, Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, Experimental Investigation of Nonaqueous Phase Liquid Contamination of Aquifers (with G. Pope, now senior engineer, INTERA, Austin TX)
10. Brown, Chrissi Lynn, 2004, Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, Design of a Field Scale Project for Surfactant Enhanced Remediation of a DNAPL Contaminated Aquifer (with G. Pope)

11. Patiño-Gomez, Carlos, 2005, Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, GIS for Large-Scale Watershed Observational Data Model, (UCOWR Dissertation Award, now Coordinator of Transboundary Water Management at the Mexican National Water Institute)

12. Teasley, Rebecca L., 2009, Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, Modeling Water Allocation and Policy Improvement in the Rio Grande Basin (now Assistant Professor at University of Minnesota at Duluth)

13. Sandoval-Solis, Samuel, 2011, Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, Water Planning and Management for Large Scale River Basins: Case of Study: the Rio Grande/Rio Bravo Transboundary Basin (now Assistant Professor at University of California at Davis)

14. Ingol-Blanco, Eusebio, 2011, Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, Modeling Climate Change Impacts on Hydrology and Water Resources: Case Study Rio Conchos Basin (now Adjunct Professor at La Molina University in Lima, Peru)
15. Georges F. Comair, 2013, Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, Hydrologic Modeling for Climate Variation and Water Policy Development in Lebanese Transboundary Waters
16. Duaij Al-Rukaibi, 2013, Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, The Reliability of Sustainable Water System and Infrastructure in Kuwait
17. Marcelo Somos, 2014 August, Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, Vulnerability and Decision Risk Analysis in Glacier Lake Outburst Floods (GLOF). Case Studies: Quillcay Sub Basin in the Cordillera Blanca in Peru and Dudh Koshi Sub Basin in the Everest Region in Nepal
18. David Rounce, 2016 May, Debris-Covered Glaciers: Modeling
ablation and flood hazards in the Nepal Himalaya, Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Austin
19. Rachel Chisolm, 2016 August, Climate Change Impacts and Water Security in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru, Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Austin
20. Amanda Cuellar, expected date of completion 09/16, Cliamte Change Adaptation to Increasing Risk of Glacier Lake Outburst Floods: Decision making Methodology for Risk Management Applied to Imja Lake , Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Austin
1. Tanriverdi, Mustafa, 1991, Environmental Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, An Expert Geographic Information System for Water Management
2. Lin, Min-Der, 1992, Environmental Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, Optimization of Pump-and-Treat Aquifer Remediation Systems
3. Sheridan, Patrick, 1992, Environmental Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, Design of a Pump-and-Treat Aquifer Remediation System
4. Watkins, David, 1993, Environmental Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, Groundwater Modeling in a GIS Environment
5. Schulman, Andrew, 1993, Mathematics, University of Texas at Austin, Stochastic Generation of Synthetic Recharge Sequences for the Edwards Aquifer in Central Texas
6. Tsai, Han-Lin, 1993, Environmental Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, Multigrid Method for Solving Groundwater Problems in a GIS Environment
7. Lin, Hui-Ju, 1993, Environmental Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, Stochastic Simulation of Edwards Aquifer Springflows
8. Rodriguez, Alfredo, 1993, Environmental Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, Conditional Probability Method Applied to the Operation of Texas Reservoirs
9. Gates, Gregory, 1994, Environmental Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, Applications of Nonlinear Programming and Genetic Algorithm Solutions to a Groundwater Remediation Optimization Problem
10. Tilburg, Charles, 1994, Environmental Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, Saturated Zone Characterization of NAPLs
11. Jensen, Steve, 1994, Environmental Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, GIS Recharge Calculations for the Edwards Aquifer
12. de Blanc, Phil, 1994, Environmental Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, Modeling Subsurface Biodegradation of Non-aqueous Phase Liquids: A Literature Review, (with G.E. Speitel Jr.).
13. Allen, Kambra, 1995, Environmental Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, Simulation of Vadose Zone Characterization of NAPLs
14. Kendrick, James O., 1996, Environmental Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, Soil Vapor Extraction Remediation Design
15. Deeds, Neil, 1997, Environmental Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, Experimental Investigation of Nonaqueous Phase Liquid Contamination of Aquifers (with G. Pope)
16. Rizk, James, 1997, Environmental Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, Vadose Zone Tracer Test Design
17. Muchard, Scott, 1997, Environmental Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, Risk Analysis of DNAPL Contamination (with R. Gilbert)
18. Akmansoy, Sandra, 1997, Environmental Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, Water Rights in the Aral Sea Basin
19. Martinez, Kris, 1998, Environmental Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, Impact of Climate on Water Availability for the Edwards Aquifer San Antonio, Texas (with D.R. Maidment)
20. Shull, Trina, 1998, Environmental Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, Feasibility of In Situ Remediation of Residual High Explosives in the Vadose Zone Beneath the Pantex Plant (with G.E. Speitel Jr.)
21. Yi, Seong, 1999, Environmental Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, Risk Analysis of DNAPL Contamination (with R. Gilbert)
22. Gerwe, Caroline, 1999, Environmental Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, Feasibility of In Situ Remediation of Residual High Explosives in the Vadose Zone Beneath the Pantex Plant (with G.E. Speitel Jr.)
23. Kracman, David, 2002, Environmental Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, Stochastic Optimization of the Highland Lakes of Texas
24. Gopolan, Hema, 2003, Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, Modeling Support for the Water Availability Models of Texas
25. Lancaster, Cynthia, 2004, Environmental Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, Linking Simulation and GIS
26. Pittman, Stephen, 2004, Environmental Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, Water as a National Security Concern
27. Vessa, Anthony, 2005, Environmental Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, Modeling Support for the Operation of the Highland Lakes of Texas
28. Seyoum Asamenaw, 2005, Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, Arc Hydro Data Model for Ethiopian Watersheds
29. Nicolau, Rodrigio, 2005, Simulation Model Training Manuals – Rio Conchos Basin, Environmental Engineering, University of Texas at Austin
30. Teasley, Rebecca, 2005, Modeling the Forgotten River, Environmental Engineering, University of Texas at Austin
31. Andrew Judd, 2006, Survey of Dam Reoperation, Environmental Engineering, University of Texas at Austin
32. Constance Danner, 2006, Documentation and Testing of the WEAP Model for the Rio Grande/Bravo Basin, Environmental Engineering, University of Texas at Austin
33. Charlotte Amato, 2006, WEAP Hydrology Model Applied: The Rio Conchos Basin, Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Austin
34. Adam Czekanski, 2007, Introduction to Arc-hydro: ACEH Basin Pilot Study, Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Austin
35. Juan Moran, 2008, Calibrated Hydrologic Model of Waller Creek, Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Austin
36. David Trujillo, 2009, Geodatabase for Panama Canal Zone Basin, Environmental Engineering, University of Texas at Austin
37. Brent Buff, 2009, title, Environmental Engineering, University of Texas at Austin
38. Laura Read, 12/2010, Addressing water availability and climate change issues in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru through technical analysis and community building strategies, Environmental and Water Resources Engineering, University of Texas at Austin
39. Duaij Alkabari, 12/2010, Aquifer Storage and Recharge in Kuwait, Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Austin
40. Carrie Bochanek, 12/2010, Design of Play Pumps for Water Supply in Ghana, Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Austin
41. Rami Harfouch, 12/2010, Drought Indices for Developing Countries, Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Austin
42. Sedat Yalcinskaya, 05/2011, Hydrologic Modeling of the Pecos River Basin Below Red Bluff Reservoir, Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Austin
43. Ryan Grosskopf, 05/2011, Water Reuse and Energy in Austin, Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Austin
44. Jason Allard, 08/2011, Hydropower Site Study at Imja Lake and Dingboche Village, Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Austin
45. Marcelo Somos, 05/2011, Modeling Glacial Lake Outburst Floods in the Peruvian Cordillera Blanca, Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Austin
46. Robin Lynch, 12/2011, A GIS-based Estimation of Steady-State Non-Point Source Bacteria Pollution in the Lower Rio Grande below Falcón Reservoir (TCEQ Segments 2301 and 2302) , Civil Engineering/Public Affairs, University of Texas at Austin
47. Denny Rivas, 05/2014,
Predicting outflow induced by dam moraine
failure in glacial lakes: the Lake Palcacocha case from an uncertainty
perspective , Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Austin
48. Justin C. Baker, 12/2014, Urban Water Supply in Sub Saharan Africa: Challenges, Opportunities, and the Role of the World Bank, Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Austin
49. Milena Spirova, 05/2017, Remote Assessment of Potentially Dangerous Glacial Lakes in Cordillera Blanca in Peru, Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Austin
50. Jonathan Lala, 12/17, Modeling and Risk Assessment of Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOFs): A Case Study of Imja Tsho in the Nepal Himalayas, Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Austin