University of Texas at Austin Internal Review Board #: 2004-10-0100
Survey Title: Location choice and Transportation demand
Dear Resident,
The University of Texas at Austin is undertaking an important study to collect information on recent movers in the Austin area and how they decide where to live. The information you provide will be an important step in understanding the reasons and motivations for selecting a particular location. This information is critical to help planners and engineers better understand the residential and transportation needs of the community.
You are one of a small number of recent movers randomly selected to represent all recent movers in the Austin area. For this reason, it is extremely important that we receive a response for each household selected. You are not obligated to participate in the survey and you can tell us at anytime if you do not wish to take part. However, your input and opinions are very important to us, since it is critical that all the opinions of all residents be considered as part of our study.
Your individual responses are confidential and will only be used to produce statistical summaries. We will not publish or otherwise release information identifying any person to any other government agency (federal, state, or local) or to any private organization.
We estimate that, for the average household, this form will take about 15 minutes to complete. We recommend that the head of the household that is most knowledgeable about your decision to move be the one to take the survey. Please return the survey to UT Austin as soon as possible, using the enclosed reply envelope.
Thank you very much for your participation. If you have any questions, please contact me directly at (512) 471-0210 or, or my research assistant Ms. Michelle Bina at If you are interested in learning more about me and the kind of research I do, please visit my website at:
Dr. Kara Kockelman
C.B. Luce Professor of Civil Engineering
0.1. What is your name?
0.2. What is your address?
The questions in this section are about your current residence and neighborhood. By “residence” we mean the house or any other type of housing unit in which you live. By “neighborhood” we mean the residential area in which your residence is located – the area you consider to be your neighborhood (for example, within the nearest half mile or so).
1. When did you move to your residence?
Month Year
2. How would you describe your residence?
Single family home
Other (Please specify)
3. How many bedrooms are there in your residence?
One Two Three Four or more
4. How many bathrooms are there in your residence?
One One and a half Two Two and a half Three or more
5. How many family/living areas (including studies) are there in your residence?
None One Two Three or more
6. In what year was your residence built?
7. Were you familiar with your current neighborhood prior to moving here? Yes No
8. How many of your close friends and/or relatives live in your current neighborhood?
All Most Some None
9. What was the value of your residence at the time of purchase?
Less than $50,000 $50,000 - $74,999 $75,000 - $99,999 $100,000 - $149,999 $150,000 - $199,999 $200,000 - $249,999
$250,000 - $299,999 $300,000 - $349,999 $350,000 - $499,999 $500,000 or more I do NOT own my residence
10. What percentage of your new home’s price was your down payment?
0% - 2% 3% - 5% 6% - 8% 9% - 10% 11% - 15% 16% - 20%
21% - 25% 25% or more I did not make a down payment.
11. What is the interior square footage of your residence (not including garages or porches)?
Less than 1,000 SF 1,000 – 1,499 1,500 – 1,999 2,000 – 2,499 2,500 – 2,999 3,000 – 3,499 SF
3,500 – 3,999 4,000 – 4,499 4,500 – 4,999 5,000 or greater
12. What is your lot size? (For reference, a football field is 1.3 acres, and a 75 ft x 145 ft lot is exactly 0.25 acres.)
Less than 0.25 acres Between 0.25 acres and 0.49 acres Between 0.50 acres and 0.99 acres 1 acre or greater Not applicable
13. indicate your PRIMARY reason(s) for moving from your previous residence to your current residence. Please select ALL that apply.
Marriage or divorce
Birth/adoption in household
New job/job transfer for either you or another household member
To be closer to work or school/easier commute for either you or another household member
Member(s) of household moving out of the home/ needed smaller home
Wanted to own home
Wanted to live near higher quality schools
Wanted newer/bigger/better home
Wanted/needed less expensive housing
Planned to attend or graduate from college
Change of climate
Health reasons
Other (please specify)
14. Please mark the bubble that corresponds to your/your household’s agreement with the given statements about your current residence.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Not Applicable/ Don’t Know
My/our residence is the size I/we want.
My/our yard is the size I/we want.
My/our neighborhood offers frequent bus service.
There is a commercial center (with shops, stores, and/or restaurants) that is within walking distance (half-mile) of my/our home.
Biking and/or walking in my neighborhood feels safe and enjoyable.
My/our residence is conveniently located to where I (or another member of my household) work or go to school.
My residence offers good investment potential.
I/we consider my/our neighborhood to be quiet.
Recreational amenities (such as a park, pool or tennis courts) are available nearby (for example, within a mile).
My neighborhood is safe for children to play outdoors.
I/we enjoy interacting with many of my/our neighbors
I/we have easy access to the freeway.
High quality public grammar, middle, and/or high schools are near my/our home.
The questions in this section ask about your daily travel – for example, trips from home to the store.
15. What is your average ONE-WAY travel time to the grocery store that you use the most?
Less than 5 minutes 5 – 10 minutes 11 – 20 minutes 21 – 30 minutes 31 – 45 minutes More than 45 minutes
16. What is your average ONE-WAY travel time to a mall or other large shopping center?
Less than 5 minutes 5 – 10 minutes 11 – 20 minutes 21 – 30 minutes 31 – 40 minutes 41 – 50 minutes
51 – 60 minutes 61 – 90 minutes More than 90 minutes
17. Approximately, HOW OFTEN, on average, do you currently take a BUS to get to work or school or other frequent destination?
Daily 2 to 5 times per week Several times per month Once per week Once per month Less than once per month
18. Please tell us about the WORKERS in your household. If no one in your household is employed, please skip this question.
Household member
You/Worker 1
Worker 2
Worker 3
Worker 4
a. What is the EMPLOYMENT STATUS for the WORKERS in your household?*
Employed full-time
Employed part-time
b. Which of the following is your/their PRIMARY means of getting to work?
Drive alone
Telecommute/work at
at home
c. What is your/their average, ONE-WAY commute time to work?
Less than 5 minutes
5 – 10 minutes
11 – 20 minutes
21 – 30 minutes
31 – 40 minutes
41 – 50 minutes
51 – 60 minutes
61 – 90 minutes
More than 90 minutes
d. What is the STREET ADDRESS or major cross streets of your/their workplace?
e. What is the ZIP CODE of your/their WORPLACE? Please see the attached map for a listing of Austin zip codes.
f. What is the level of EDUCATION for you/them?
Less than high school
High school (or equivalent)
Associate's degree or
technical degree
Bachelor’s degree
Master’s degree or higher
g. What is your/their gender?
* Anyone working 40 or more hours per work is employed full-time. For those holding more than one job, please report the commute time and location for the PRIMARY workplace.
19. During your housing search, how important were the following housing and neighborhood features?
Very Important
Somewhat Important
Not too important
Not at all important
No Opinion / Not Applicable
Investment potential or resale
Attractive neighborhood appearance
Number of bedrooms
Commute time to work (or school for full-time students)
Distance/travel time to shopping
Social composition of the neighborhood
Perception of crime rate in the neighborhood
Noise levels
Lot size / yard size
Physical disability accommodations
Quality of local public schools.
Closeness to friends or relatives
Access to bus services
Neighborhood amenities / recreational facilities
Access to major freeway(s)
Distance to local public schools
Distance to medical services
The following are scenarios of two potential residences. Please indicate which home you would prefer to live in, assuming that all other attributes of the homes and their neighborhoods are the same except those indicated. Some scenarios include reducing your commute time. If you do not commute, please answer this question considering your household’s primary commuter’s needs. If no one is employed in your household, please answer this question for any other frequent trip that you make.
20. House A and House B are exactly like your current residence. However, House A is within 1 mile of the MoPac freeway, which reduces your commute time by half. House B has a larger kitchen and living room. Which house would you prefer to live in?
House A House B
21. House A and House B are exactly like your current residence. However, House A has a larger kitchen and living room. House B is the same size as your current residence, but it is located within 1 mile of a major toll road that costs 10¢ per mile and reduces your commute time by half. Which house would you prefer to live in?
23. House A and House B are exactly like your current residence. However, House A is near a major toll road that costs $2 to use per day (roundtrip) and makes your commute 15 minutes; but, House A is not near a bus line. House B is located 1/4 mile (1200 feet) from a bus stop with a routing that drops you off 1/4 mile from your workplace (or most frequent destination). Which house would you prefer to live in?
24. House A and House B are exactly like your current residence. However, House A has a larger lot/yard than House B but is located 5 miles from any shopping. House B is located within a 1 mile of a shopping center that includes a supermarket, a couple of restaurants, and a few retail stores. Which house would you prefer to live in?
25. House A and House B are exactly like your current residence. However, House A lies 2 miles from a major shopping center that has many retail stores, several restaurants, and a movie theater. House B is located within 1 mile of the MoPac freeway, which reduces your commute time by half. Which house would you prefer to live in?
Please complete all of the questions below. Your accurate responses to these questions will help us classify the survey results we obtain. Please keep in mind that all answers will be kept confidential.
26. Including yourself, how many total persons live in your household?
27. How many persons under 16 years of age live in your household?
None One Two Three Four or more
28. Including yourself, how many total persons have a driver’s license?
29. Are you married?
Yes No
30. What is your ethnicity?
Caucasian African American Hispanic Asian Other (please specify)
31. What is your age?
32. What is your gender?
Male Female
33. How many vehicles (cars, trucks, vans, SUVs, or motorcycles) does your household own, lease, or have available for daily use?
34. What is YOUR employment status? (Please select only one.)
Full-time student
Homemaker - please skip to Question 36
Unemployed - please skip to Question 36
Retired - please skip to Question 36
35. Which of the following best describes YOUR occupation?
Office and administrative support
Healthcare practitioners & technicians
Management, business, and financial operations
Production, transportation, and material moving
Education, training, and library
Construction and extraction
Food preparation and serving
Professional (doctors, engineers, architects, attorneys)
Installation, maintenance, and repair
Building and grounds cleaning and maintenance
Personal care and services
36. What is your approximate HOUSEHOLD annual income (before taxes)? Please consider the income for all persons in your household. (Income data is very important for the analysis process. Please note that all information will be kept highly confidential.)
Less than $15,000 $15,000 to $24,999 $25,000 to $49,999 $50,000 to $74,999 $75,000 to $99,999
$100,000 to $149,999 $150,000 to $199,999 $200,000 or more
37. What is YOUR approximate hourly wage (if salary, divide annual salary by 2000 to approximate)? (Income data is very important for the analysis process. Please note that all information will be kept highly confidential.)
Less than $7.50 per hour $7.50 to $12.49 per hour $12.50 to $24.99 per hour $25.00 to $37.49 per hour $37.50 to $49.99 per hour
$50.00 to $74.99 per hour $74.99 to $100.00 per hour More than $100 per hour
Is there anything else you’d like to tell us regarding your choices about where to live and your choices about daily travel? Please provide comments in the space below.
If you would like to know the results of this study, we would be very happy to email you a working paper (in August) and then the final paper (in December). Please simply provide your email address or your phone number:
For questions or more information, please contact me directly at (512) 471-0210 or, or my research assistant Ms. Michelle Bina at
Thank you for your help in this important study. By completing this survey, you are helping planners and decision-makers understand what is most important to residents in deciding where to live.
Last modified: Monday, 02 May 2005