Title: Location Choice and Transportation
Demand U.T. Austin
Internal Review Board # 2004-10-0100
Dear Resident, The University of Texas at Austin is undertaking an important study to collect information on people who live in apartments and how they decide where to live. The information you provide will be an important step in understanding the reasons and motivations for selecting a particular apartment location. This information is critical to help planners and engineers better understand the residential and transportation needs of the community. You are one of a
small number of apartment dwellers randomly selected to represent all
apartment dwellers in the Austin area.
For this reason, it is
extremely important that we receive a response for each apartment
dweller selected. You
are not obligated to participate in the survey and you can tell us at
anytime if you do not wish to take part.
However, your input and opinions are very important to us,
since it is critical that all the opinions of all apartment dwellers
be considered as part of our study. Your individual responses are confidential and will only be used to produce statistical summaries. We will not publish or otherwise release information identifying any person to any other government agency (federal, state, or local) or to any private organization. We estimate that, for the average household, this form will take about 15 minutes to complete. For your convenience, we are offering two methods for completing the survey: If you are unable to complete the written survey in the coming half hour, please visit to complete the online version. Thank you very much for your participation. If you have any questions, please contact me directly at (512) 471-0210 or, or my research assistant Ms. Michelle Bina at If you are interested in learning more about me and the kind of research I do, please visit my website at:
Sincerely, Dr. Kara Kockelman C.B. Luce Professor of Civil Engineering & Faculty Sponsor
Please Click Here To Start Your Survey