Bhat, C.R., M. Castro, and M. Khan (2013), "A New Estimation Approach
for the Multiple Discrete-Continuous Probit (MDCP) Choice Model,"
Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 55, pp. 1-22
(Keywords: multiple discrete-continuous model, maximum approximate composite marginal likelihood, recreation choice).
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you use the GAUSS code below (in part or in the whole), please acknowledge
so in your work and cite the paper listed above.
GAUSS code, documentation, and test data sets
With Outside Good (zip file)
This zip file contains the following four items:
MDCP with outside good.gau
Code documentation for MDCP with outside good.doc
No Outside Good
(zip file)
This zip file contains the following four items:
MDCP with no outside good.gau
Code documentation for MDCP with no outside goods.doc