Date |
Topics |
Due date for |
08/29 |
09/03 | Radiation review |
09/05 | Solar Radiation | |
09/10 | Solar angles | |
09/17 | Solar radiation components | |
09/19 | Convention Conduction | |
09/24 | Surface balance | |
09/26 | Same notes as in previous class | |
10/01 | Energy balance | |
10/03 | Unsteady state energy flow | |
10/08 | Same notes as in previous class | |
10/10 | Linearization | |
10/15 | Same notes as in previous class | |
10/24 | Modeling steps | |
10/29 | Review for the exam | |
10/31 | Exam | |
11/05 | ES Software, Project 1 | |
11/07 | HVAC | |
11/12 | Same notes as in previous class | |
11/14 | HVAC & Final Project | |
11/19 | Solar PV Systems | |
11/20 | Same notes as in previous class | |
11/25 | HW4 and Life cycle analysis | |
12/03 | Final project deliverables & Moisture modeling | |
12/05 | Moisture transport in facades and Course Summary | |
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